Placeholder Shipping and Self-Collection Terms icon

Shipping and Self-Collection Terms


* Orders for shipping are processed on the next business day (Monday - Friday only, excluding holidays).

* Shipping fee is calculated based on total weight of items.

* For orders weighing 30kg and above, only self-collection is available. If you prefer your items to be shipped, please complete orders separately, with each order weighing less than 30kg. (Please note that total weight includes product container).

* Singpost's delivery only available on working days, from Mon to Fri 9am to 6pm and Sat 9am to 12.30pm, excluding Sundays and Public Holidays.

Please note that due to the COVID-19 situation, all Singapore deliveries may take longer than usual. We seek your understanding in this difficult time.


Time: Tuesday and Thursday only (3:00PM to 5:00 PM only)

Location: Zagro Global Hub, 5 Woodlands Terrace, Singapore 738430

* Orders are processed and fulfilled on the next business day.